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Our bands have been specially selected through interview and performance trial to ensure that their entertainment is nothin short of fantastic.

Don't just take our work for it, check out there sample tracks!

The Founders of...

The Bio

The Founders Of... A four piece Indie band working out of Portsmouth, England.

It all began when Tom (vocals), Mike (bass) and Dale (drums) were bored one evening. For a laugh, they decided to squeeze into Dale’s tiny spare room with just enough room for a drum kit and bass guitar. Tom crammed himself behind the door and they started jamming. None of them could actually hear Tom sing.

Quickly realising they had a good connection, the new band needed a guitarist. Dudley filled the void and instantly connected with the band, bringing his unique style into the mix.

Our first practice was in an old school studio, perfect for a new band to simply have a go. Then there it was, The Founders Of... were born.

Now with two tracks recorded, the first album almost finished, bucket loads of gigs and tours lined up for 2010 and bundles of interest from organisations wanting to work with them, The Founders Of... are well on their way to big things. The first E.P will be released in the new year and the live shows are being worked on as we speak. The fans who have been with The Founders Of... from the start are in for a treat and will be looked after.

The music

The Founders Of... are an Indie/Rock band. Put simply, they make music that is going to sound incredible live and is written especially to grab attention and keep the audience interested. You’ll love the music, you’ll be total consumed by the show and you’ll be addicted from the first second. Whether we play to 1 or 100,000 people, The Founders Of... live show is immense. The music is loud and the show is big, you’ll be right in there with the band and enjoy it as much as they do.

This stems from The Founders Of... love of live music and having seen some terrible bands in the past.

The Life?

The Founders Of... are intensely interested in enjoying the music industry and having some laughs along the way. They work tirelessly to bring you the best tunes and endlessly work on bringing you the most epic live shows but they’ll also make sure that everyone has a brilliant time along the way. The Founders Of... are always pulling pranks and mucking about. Always thinking of ways to have fun with their music and that’s why the live shows are so big. If you are going to see them, be prepared for the unexpected. What will they do next?